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Managing Effective Teams – Dairy Signal Episode 1

We are excited that Liz is a part of the Dairy Signal Show.   It's a series of presentations that PDPW (The Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin) puts out 3x/week.  Liz will be participating at various times throughout the year.  We'll keep you updated when she's on, and post recordings of her talks here on our blog.

You can sign up at the PDPW website to listen to them live here.

In January Liz had her first episode.  She spoke about 'Managing Effective Teams." You can listen to it below.


  • Hire Right
  • Onboard effectively
  • Right people on the bus
  • Train
  • Communicate (Listening and speaking)
  • Giving & receiving feedback
  • Stay & Exit Interviews
  • Incentives